...are incredible. Our destination for a
bloomin' week in the most beautiful country in the world was the quaint little village of Saas Fee which is nestled in between snow peeks of the Alps. Hubby and I have always lived on the out skirts of where ever we are, not crowd people. So we found a jewel at the dead end of a winding road...no autos allowed. Romantik Hotel Beau-Site. We pulled our car into a parking garage, called the hotel and were picked up in this golf cart on steroids.

Our balcony was the one next to the hotel sign.

A town where the locals go to hike in the summer, ski in the winter or just to get away from it all. Of course this hiking boot planter hanging on a window of our hotel restaurant caught my eye.

More flowers at the entrance of the hotel...

and walking along the cobble stone streets.

These were in the next village...Saas-Grund. We took the bus over there for a bit of trotti riding...
more on that later.

These were in Zermatt...another day trip we took to see the Matterhorn.

Our week in Saas-Fee came to an end way too quickly but it was time to head to Milan, Italy for hubby's business meeting. Along the way we spent a night in Interlaken so our son could have his first hang gliding experience...
more on that later. These beautiful bells were in this bustling city. Just incredible...the imagination of our Creator.

Flowers make me smile and I hope
I made you smile as well.Have a bloomin' good day!~Candy~