shared a heart-shaped rock collection she had.
The grandson had found one of them
and so I too, wanted to help with the
collecting. I told her I would keep
an eye out and send her the next
one I see.
So for months, as I walked, worked, and
just enjoyed my neck of the woods,
I finally spotted this one.
Not a heart shaped rock but
it does have the neatest
little heart imprint, don't you think?
(heart is about the size of a quarter)
The mystery is...
I can't find her e-mail where we
talked about this and short of
spending countless hours going
through everyone's pages...
If anyone knows who this might be,
or if it is you,
please help me out.
There might even be a little finders fee!
~Rock Candy~
PS Dixie of French Lique, Texas solved
the mystery. It was Spencer of
Bellamere Cottage
I can't help you with the name, but the rock you found is truly unique. I've never seen anything quite like the 'heart inside the rock.'
Good luck,,,,,
I'm sure she would love to add this one to her collection. Wish I could help you.
and I remember telling her that if I knew you, she'd get her rock... it was Spencer at Bellamere Cottage if memory serves me... and I think it does...
wimberley will be open for business tomorrow.. yippee! I need those windchimes! my step-darlin' , Jen, is going with me... will miss having you and your wackieness along with us!
hugs. Dixie...
Love this rock...wish it were me who collected them...I'd love it for my collection!
Oh, and I'm not sure but could it be Farm Girl?
try this link
Hi there...from a fellow Texas Blogger! I popped into your blog and am enjoying it! Hope you have a great weekend...how can you NOT...when in Wimberley! Love that place!
Wonder what left that impression...hmmm...don't know the answer to your question but I do like the "rock"...it would make a great blog photo...or header....
A finders fee! you don't have to do that.. I was glad to have my brain be of service to you... i try to exercise it daily...
yes... still going to wimberley M.D. tomorrow... leaving here around 8am... I don't think it's suppose to rain until later, but I'll have my umbrella along just in case. i have to get windchimes for Baby Bella's fund raising raffle... and who knows what else we'll find... if you decide you can't go a market day without shopping with me... you've got my cell... give me a call... we'll be there!
Candy, I don't know who your heart friend is, but I think it's a wonderful idea to look for and collect heart-shaped natural items!
Almost like looking for a four-leafed clover, isn't it!
Oh my gosh.......CANDY!!!! You are such a doll. I can't believe you did all that searching. What a blessing you are to me. I LOVE the rock and would cherish it forever! Are you sure??? How can you part with this little beauty???
God bless you!
That is the neatest stone! Isn't it amazing what treasures we pass every day without looking? It's so sweet of you to pass this on. But then you are Rock Candy!
Have a wonderful weekend
Cool stone heart imprint... That's awesome! I'm glad you found the blogger!
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