shared a heart-shaped rock collection she had.
The grandson had found one of them
and so I too, wanted to help with the
collecting. I told her I would keep
an eye out and send her the next
one I see.
So for months, as I walked, worked, and
just enjoyed my neck of the woods,
I finally spotted this one.
Not a heart shaped rock but
it does have the neatest
little heart imprint, don't you think?
(heart is about the size of a quarter)
The mystery is...
I can't find her e-mail where we
talked about this and short of
spending countless hours going
through everyone's pages...
If anyone knows who this might be,
or if it is you,
please help me out.
There might even be a little finders fee!
~Rock Candy~
PS Dixie of French Lique, Texas solved
the mystery. It was Spencer of
Bellamere Cottage