Who is our favorite BLUE MONDAY gal? Smiling Sally of course! Cause she gathers us together so we can share blue...any shade or shape. Today it's all about MASON JARS...yep...any shade and any shape!

I would also like to take this opportunity to share a project that's been in the making for a while now. I don't have any before or during photos, so just like the Met Monday butterfly turned into a beauty in the secret of a cocoon, you will have to imagine...

I will call it my Wild Plum Wall Hanging! I have it posted in my RockCandyShop for a little more detail. I went in search for a quote about plums and was so happy when I found this one.
"What is more mortifying than to feel
that you have missed the plum for want
of courage to shake the tree."
that you have missed the plum for want
of courage to shake the tree."