The purple mist is in full bloom and the butterflies
are putting on quite a show. Monarchs, Queens,
Red Admirals, and a host of small winged creatures
are in court to honor the occasion.

The monarch is loading up for its migration down
into Mexico where it spends the winter.

Clay pots have been on my list all summer in order
to build another tower. Had the big
one for the bottom and recently found these
three for $2 each at a garage sale. What a
great deal...already loaded with dirt!

Can't wait for the morning glories and
moss rose to put on a show.
My Texas garden has come alive with
the cooler temps and refreshing rains.

While out in the garden I didn't forget about
as I captured these shots.

Fall...a great time to be outdoors and
A Southern Daydreamer is the place to
show off whatever is in your corner of
the globe.
Tis the season for reds and more is
popping out at
It's A Very Cherry World!Faded Charm is a place to visit if white,
chippy, vintage, fade charm is your thing.
And with the reds of the season,
the soft white glow of candles
are a wonderful accent.
Hope you gals have a great day!