As you know anything metal when left out in the elements turns a wonderful vintage shade of rust. And for reasons I can't explain, I love that look. So today I am showing some of my rusty things and a few that belong to other lovers of rust. So first off, I'd like to welcome you to the garden, pull up a rusty
WHITE WEDNESDAY chair and enjoy this little tour.
Faded Charm has a giveaway on her post today.
or maybe a bench you would prefer...
next to the
REDNESDAY flowers.
Must be the season...she's having a giveaway too! 
Or how 'bout a bed? A bottle bed. Not sure what Goldilocks would have to say about this one. I worked all day on this area. Pulling grass, planting a few new things. Next spring they will look great but right now...pretty sad. I exchanged with a neighbor, some wandering purple plants for some taller purple bloomers. Also gathered more rocks for the border and extended the walkway, making it wider.

Just got this
stove at the Fredericksburg Flea Market for $5. The
sewing machine I found in a dumpster. Yes, I am a dumpster diver if the moment is right! How do you like the 'bottle quilt'?

And for those odds and ends pieces, I just hang 'em on
a cedar stump.
Thanks for stopping by and remember there
are more places to visit...